Become a Member

Thank you for considering membership in the American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus (AAPOS).  We welcome potential membership candidates and will do all we can to assist you in the application process.

AAPOS provides its members with the tools and community to enhance their practice and profession. AAPOS membership offers professional development, networking, advocacy, and access to resources and discounts relevant to the field of pediatric ophthalmology and strabismus. 

How to Join AAPOS

Applications for all member categories are open year-round and reviewed monthly by the Membership Committee.  Applications are then referred to the Board of Directors on a monthly basis for approval of membership.  

There will be a $25 application fee upon submission for all categories.

Categories of AAPOS Membership


Yearly Dues: 

Member Application

  • USA residents = $585 USD
  • Canadian residents = $470 USD

Eligibility Requirements

A physician who is licensed to practice medicine and surgery in the United States or in Canada (residing and actively practicing in the US/Canada) and meets all of the criteria in either Path A or Path B:

Path A:

  1. Certified to practice ophthalmology by one of the following:
    1. The American Board of Ophthalmology
    2. American Osteopathic Board of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology
    3. The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada
  2. Completed at least one year of practice consisting of at least 50% pediatric ophthalmology and/or strabismus.
  3. Satisfactorily completed an Association of University Professors in Ophthalmology compliant fellowship (training programs prior to 2006 will be “grandfathered” in).

Path B:

  1. An international medical graduate who has completed an international or US-based fellowship training program and is now practicing in the United States or in Canada.
  2. Completed at least two years of practice consisting of at least 50% pediatric ophthalmology and/or strabismus.

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    • Subscription to the Journal of American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus
    • Eligible to receive a 5% premium discount for OMIC policyholders
    • Discounted registration fee for AAPOS Annual Meeting
    • Inclusion in our Find-A-Doctor Directory on the AAPOS Website
    • Exclusive access to our members-only discussion boards on the AAPOS website
    • Volunteer opportunities on AAPOS committees
    • Voting and office holding privileges
    • Receive monthly AAPOS e-Newsletter and periodic email updates

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    International Member

    Yearly Dues: $310 USD

    International Application

    Eligibility Requirements

    A physician licensed to practice medicine and surgery, who is not currently practicing in the USA or Canada, and meets all of the criteria in either of the following paths:

    International Path A 

    1. Completion of a fellowship training program or preceptorship in pediatric ophthalmology and/or strabismus lasting 6 months or longer; and...
    2.  Completed at least two years in practice consisting of at least 50% pediatric ophthalmology and/or strabismus.

    International Path B 

    1. No fellowship training program, but completed at least 5 years in practice consisting of at least 50% pediatric ophthalmology and/or strabismus.

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      • Subscription to the Journal of American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus
      • Discounted registration fee for AAPOS Annual Meeting
      • Inclusion in our Find-A-Doctor Directory on the AAPOS Website
      • Exclusive access to our members-only discussion boards on the AAPOS website
      • Volunteer opportunities on AAPOS committees
      • Voting and office holding privileges
      • Receive monthly AAPOS e-Newsletter and periodic email updates

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      Associate Member 

      Associate Application 

      Yearly Dues: $585

      Eligibility Requirements

      Must meet all of the following:

      1. A physician (MD/DO) who is licensed to practice medicine and surgery in the United States or in Canada, or a PhD.
      2. Have either made significant contributions to the field of pediatric ophthalmology and/or strabismus, or has completed at least 5 years in practice consisting of at least 50% pediatric ophthalmology and/or strabismus.
      3. Is not eligible for another class of AAPOS membership.
      4. Have references from 2 active AAPOS members.

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        • Subscription to the Journal of American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus
        • Eligible to receive a 5% premium discount for OMIC policyholders
        • Discounted registration fee for AAPOS Annual Meeting
        • Inclusion in our Find-A-Doctor Directory on the AAPOS Website
        • Exclusive access to our members-only discussion boards on the AAPOS website
        • Volunteer opportunities on AAPOS committees
        • Voting privileges
        • Receive monthly AAPOS e-Newsletter and periodic email updates

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        Orthoptist Member

        Yearly Dues: $130

        Orthoptist Application

        Eligibility Requirements

        • Must be certified by either the American Orthoptic Council, or the Canadian Orthoptic Council, or an orthoptist whose country has full membership status in the International Orthoptic Association.

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          Yearly Dues: $345 for 1-4 years

          FIT Application

          Eligibility Requirements

          1. A physician who is currently in training in one of the following programs:
            1. Engaged on a full-time basis in an Association of University Professors in Ophthalmology (AUPO) compliant fellowship. 
            2. Engaged on a full-time basis in a fellowship for international physicians consisting of a 2-year preceptorship with an AAPOS Member, International Member, or Emeritus Member, or a program of fellowship training in pediatric ophthalmology and/or strabismus of at least six months under the direction of an AAPOS Member, International Member, or Emeritus Member.
          2. Eligibility for the Fellow-in-Training membership category is for the duration of the fellowship program plus 2 years of practice for a total not to exceed 4 years. Thereafter, they will need to apply as a Full Member.

          Note: a Fellow-in-Training does not have the right to vote and are ineligible to hold office.

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            • Subscription to the Journal of American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus
            • Discounted registration fee for AAPOS Annual Meeting
            • Exclusive access to the Career Center with listings of current employment opportunities
            • Exclusive access to our members-only discussion boards on the AAPOS website
            • Volunteer opportunities on AAPOS committees
            • Receive monthly AAPOS e-Newsletter and periodic email updates

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            International Fellow-In-Training

            Yearly Dues: $220 USD

            Int'l FIT Application

            Eligibility Requirements

            1. A physician who is engaged on a full-time basis in a fellowship for international physicians consisting of a 2-year preceptorship with an AAPOS Member, International Member, or Emeritus Member, or a program of fellowship training in pediatric ophthalmology and/or strabismus of at least 6 months under the direction of an Active AAPOS Member, International Member, or Emeritus Member.
            2. Eligibility for International Fellow-in-Training membership is for the duration of the fellowship program plus 2 years of practice for a total not to exceed 3 years. Thereafter they will need to apply as an International Member.

            Note: an International Fellow-in-Training does not have the right to vote and are ineligible to hold office.

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              International Fellow-in-Training Members: Benefits

              • Subscription to the Journal of American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus
              • Discounted registration fee for AAPOS Annual Meeting
              • Exclusive access to the Career Center with listings of current employment opportunities
              • Exclusive access to our members-only discussion boards on the AAPOS website
              • Volunteer opportunities on AAPOS committees
              • Receive monthly AAPOS e-Newsletter and periodic email updates

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              Provisional Member

              Provisional Application

              Yearly Dues: NO FEE

              Eligibility Requirements

              • For medical students, you must attend a medical school accredited by one of the following:
                • The American Association of Medical Colleges (AAMC)
                • The Committee on Accreditation of Canadian Medical Schools (CAMCS (CAMCE))
                • The Commission on Osteopathic College Accreditation (COCA)
              • For ophthalmology residents, you must attend one of the following:
                • A residency program accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME).
                • A residency program accredited by the American Osteopathic Association (AOA) in ophthalmology.
                • Be in a one-year preliminary program before entering an ophthalmology residency.
                • Be a graduate of an American Association of Medical Colleges (AAMC).
                • Be a graduate of the Committee On Accreditation Of Canadian Medical Schools (CAMCS (CAMCE)).
                • Be a graduate of the Commission on Osteopathic College Accreditation (COCA).
              • Eligibility is only for the duration of medical school and/or residency training.
              • Provisional Membership applications will be reviewed monthly by the Membership Committee with confirmation by the Board of Directors at the following month's Board meeting.

              Note: a Provisional Member does not have the right to vote and are ineligible to hold office.

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                • Discounted registration fee for AAPOS Annual Meeting
                • Exclusive access to our members-only discussion boards on the AAPOS website
                • Volunteer opportunities on AAPOS committees
                • Receive monthly AAPOS e-Newsletter and periodic email updates

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                Administrator Member

                Administrator Application

                Yearly Dues: $60

                Eligibility Requirements

                • An individual who is a practice manager or administrator for an existing AAPOS Member, Associate, or Emeritus member’s practice.  
                • Administrator applicants will be reviewed by the Membership Committee with confirmation by the Board of Directors.

                Note: an Administrator Member does not have the right to vote and are ineligible to hold office.

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                  • Discounted registration fee for AAPOS Annual Meeting
                  • Exclusive access to our members-only discussion boards on the AAPOS website
                  • Volunteer opportunities on AAPOS committees
                  • Receive monthly AAPOS e-Newsletter and periodic email updates

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                  Additional Member Categories

                  Eligibility Requirements

                  Honorary Member

                  • An individual of outstanding caliber and who has made a major contribution in the fields of pediatric ophthalmology and/or strabismus, may be elected to Honorary Membership by the Board of Directors.
                  • An Honorary Member has the right to vote, but are ineligible to hold office and has no other member benefits.

                  Emeritus Member

                  • A Charter Member, Member, Associate Member, International Member, Honorary Member, or Orthoptist Member who is in good standing with AAPOS, who has been such a member for 10 or more years, and who is completely retired from the financially compensated clinical practice of pediatric ophthalmology and/or strabismus (excluding nominal payments for volunteering for clinics or international work), is eligible to apply to become a Member Emeritus in their previous category of membership.
                  • An Emeritus Member who resumes the clinical practice of pediatric ophthalmology and/or strabismus, even on a part-time basis, must notify AAPOS within 60 days, and he or she will no longer be eligible for Emeritus status.

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                  EMERITUS BENEFITS

                    EMERITUS BENEFITS

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                    Eligibility Requirements

                    Please note that applicants are required to provide complete and accurate professional information and are responsible for obtaining references and verifications for credentials, licenses, certifications, and educational requirements.

                    Contact us

                    If you have questions about the member categories, applying to be a member, or your renewal, please contact: