1975-1976 AAPOS President, Bronze Medalist
Robert D. Reinecke, MD (1929-2018)
Dr. Reinecke, an OD and MD, served as Professor and Chairman of Ophthalmology at Albany Medical College, Albany, NY, for many years before he was recruited in 1981 as Ophthalmologist-in-Chief at Wills Eye Hospital and Professor and Chairman of Ophthalmology at Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia. In 1985, he was appointed as the first Director of the Foerderer Research Center that became internationally acclaimed for its landmark work in understanding eye movements and nystagmus, while developing innovative tools for research and clinical studies. He retired in 2007. Dr. Reinecke lectured and published extensively. He was a revered teacher and mentor, and a strong advocate of the patient and the physician. He served as President of AAPOS (75-76) and the AAO (1989), and received countless national and international awards and accolades.