1979-1980 AAPOS President, Bronze Medalist
Philip Knapp, MD (1916 – 1991)
Dr. Knapp, born in NYC to a distinguished family, as grandson and son of renowned ophthalmologists, graduated from Harvard and the Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons. He served in the United States Navy in the Pacific.
After residency at the University of Iowa, he became a Heed Fellow and studied with Drs. Kenneth Swan, Richard Scobee, and Herman Burian. He was the Director of the Harkness Institute's Fight for Sight Children's Eye Clinic and Professor Emeritus at Columbia. Known worldwide for his contributions in the field of Ocular Motility, he spent his professional career devoting his practice to motility, as an innovator devising surgical solutions to motility problems. Internationally sought as a speaker and teacher, he presented numerous named lectures. He was a founding member of AAPOS and a member of the Squint Club, and was valued for his inflexible integrity, ready wit, cheerful countenance, and loyal friendship.