1984-1985 AAPOS President, Bronze Medalist
Eugene R. Folk, MD (1925-2003)
Dr. Eugene Folk was a true Chicagoan. After his years in the armed services, he completed a degree at the University of Chicago, medical school at the University of Illinois, and residency at the Illinois Eye and Ear Infirmary (IEEI). Over the next 30 years, at the IEEI and Cook County Hospital, he trained over 200 residents and 30 fellows in pediatric ophthalmology and strabismus. He held a variety of prestigious professional leadership positions including serving as President of the Chicago Ophthalmologic Society and Charter Member and President of AAPOS. His Costenbader lecture was on the “A and V” syndrome. Along with Martin Urist, Folk founded the “Chicago” school of strabismus. Established in his honor, the Eugene Folk Endowment Fund at IEEI supports distinguished visiting clinicians with expertise in strabismus. Folk is survived by his wife, Meg Folk, three daughters, and two granddaughters.