2006-2007 AAPOS President, Bronze Medalist
Christie L. Morse, MD
Dr. Morse received her Parks Bronze medal for serving as the President of AAPOS from 2006-to-07. She has been the first Executive Vice President of AAPOS, the chair of the Advisory Board of the Foundation of the AAO and the chair of the AAO Ethics Committee. She was a member of the AAO’s Leadership Development Program Class of 2003. She has also served on the AAO Board of Trustees, the EyeNet editorial advisory board and the EyeCare America Steering Committee. Dr. Morse has received the AAPOS Honor Award, AAO Achievement Award, and AAO Secretariat Award. She was the past Chair of the Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Practicing Ophthalmology Curriculum, the AAO representative to the American Academy of Pediatrics ophthalmology section, and a past President of Women in Ophthalmology.