1987-1988 AAPOS President, Bronze Medalist
Arthur L. Rosenbaum, MD (1940 – 2010)
Dr. Rosenbaum was the Brindell and Milton Gottlieb Professor and Vice-Chairman of Ophthalmology and Chief of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus at the UCLA Jules Stein Eye Institute, and served as president of AAPOS and Vice-President of the International Strabismological Association. He was a member of the Squint Club, and he received the lifetime achievement award from the AAO. He published more than 200 articles, co-authored a major textbook on strabismus and was one of the original investigators of botulinum toxin injections for strabismus. Well respected nationally and internationally for his lectures and creative thinking, he proposed vertical muscle transposition to provide better abduction in Duane Syndrome that led a new wave of thinking about the treatment of this condition. Late in his career, he suffered harassment from groups opposed to the use of animals in research but refused to allow this to alter his enjoyment of life or commitment to science.